Top STEM Tools and Training Scaled to Educators Across Iowa

Educators took part in training for the 2022-2023 STEM Scale-Up Program Ready, Set, Drone. Scale-Up training for the coming academic is set to begin in July.
Educators took part in training for the 2022-2023 STEM Scale-Up Program Ready, Set, Drone. Scale-Up training for the coming academic is set to begin in July.

1,383 educators will be preparing for the upcoming academic year by attending STEM Scale-Up Program training this summer. A total of 43 training opportunities for 13 Scale-Up Programs will take place over the coming weeks to prepare teachers and other learning professionals to incorporate cutting edge STEM instruction this fall. The trainings are held in each of the six STEM regions to offer accessible options for localized participation. Training experiences vary in size and location, based on the program needs.

An estimated 125,000 students are anticipated to benefit from Scale-Up Programming during the 2023-2024 academic year. Year over year, students who participate in a Scale-Up Program continually perform better on statewide tests and demonstrate an increased interest in STEM subjects and pursuing a STEM career compared to all students statewide.

The STEM Council’s Scale-Up Program offers exemplary educational STEM lessons and tools from across the country to public and private school PreK-12 teachers, youth organization leaders, informal education professionals, home school associations and others who deliver STEM education instruction. Programs on the 2023-2024 menu range from coding and drones to aquaponics and engineering.

Educators who have taught Scale-Up Programs consistently report greater confidence to teach STEM topics and greater ability to answer students’ STEM-related questions. Most educators who use the Scale-Up Program plan to use it in future years.

To learn more about the Scale-Up Program or to view a list of 2023-2024 Scale-Up Program educators, contact us at or visit

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